Monday, January 30, 2012

Who's your Daddy?

The last hike my sister and I went on was using a guide book in the middle of the desert. There were no signs, well there was a sign at the starting point, but that's it. We were supposed to go North, then North West (I think). Neither one of us is a big fan of those kind of directions...maybe we should have taken someone along who is!?! Anyway, we set out following a wash through the desert, but it was a wide flat wash with a lot of tributaries, we were heading toward the foothills and apparently went more West than we were instructed to...we did find our goal, but we went an alternate route to get there. There were a LOT of really pretty rocks to see as we walked so my sister was happy ;).

The part that made this particular hike blog worthy is twofold here's the first fold, as we were hiking back down to the car from our destination; it was much clearer where the path was. We could see the footsteps of those who had come before us; the wash wasn't as clear on the way up...the wide to the on the way down...narrow to wide. You see we couldn't see the big picture. God does and He will give us road maps, hints, nudges to follow if we will look for them. They do require our paying close attention, hindsight is 20/20, and if we are not aware and attentive life becomes a never ending loop of looking back and realizing where true North was all the time.

When we got to the canyon we were searching for we disturbed a family of Big Horn sheep...well to be honest...I disturbed the sheep because I was the loud one in front (imagine that;)). Then, I was waving, pointing and yelling. "Hurry, you're going to miss them. Look, can you see the sheep?" I don't know why they didn't stop to chat...Anyway, the second fold of this blog is this...the Big Horn sheep went running at the first sign of intrusion...when should I run? If I run too early I might miss an opportunity to show His love. If I stay too long I might get sucked into a situation that will cause me to make wrong choices...I am quite sure it is simpler to be a sheep...oh wait I am.

Actually, maybe there are three folds to this story! The Ram or daddy Big Horn sheep was at the top of the ridge, calling for the rest to follow. He had been watching our progress and when we got too close he started calling to those in his care. He put his head down, stretched out his neck and was bellowing a warning, it was so cool. He did not stop hollering at them until all were at the tip of the ridge. So, here's the question that brings to mind...Do you have a daddy, husband or spiritual leader who will call you up from danger, despair, anger, disappointment? Do you allow him too? Someone, who will encourage you to make right choices, push you to grow past your limitations and bring joy to your life? Because, ladies if you don't you are probably searching for one in the people you date...There is someone who will be all that and more if we allow Him in to lead us. He is always calling, not just to warn of danger, but to lead us to love, to encourage us to reveal Him to others, to invite us to dance at His party. Do you know Him?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Be Still and Dance!

Be still, and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the Nations. Psalm 46:10

Sometimes this verse is addressing our physical busyness; but, God has been revealing to me over the past year that it is always addressing my state of mind, in the middle of any crazy busy or stress filled day we can have inside us and reveal to others a sea of calm. This calm is not of our making, or even our understanding it is just the gift we are given if we tap into it. It is the place where worry falls away (mostly ;)), the place where His Love abides within me and the place where Peace waits ready to fill my entire being in the most extraordinary way!! If only I could plug in 24/7/365… I find it getting a little bit easier as I spend time reading His word, but then I let busyness or other activities get in the way. It gets easier as I walk through my day with a praise chorus running through my mind, but then the busyness gets too noisy to allow the song to be heard. It gets even easier when I spend my day in a constant conversation with Him, looking for the Joy filled small moments He prepares for me; a gorgeous sunrise, a workout that gets a bit easier with a workout partner, a day that should have resulted in chaos goes smoothly and everyone involved is a happy camper! But then I allow that conversation to lapse and the light dims, the Peace fades and I wonder where I am… It’s me that has moved. It’s me that has allowed the world in between. 

Maybe to live “not of this world” is to be sure that the world is not allowed to get in between me and my Peaceful, Joyful, Christ full center. It’s me only better there! He shines His love to others; He shows His compassion to others, He invites others to come dance at the party through me!

Help me to live so that when I am poked your love is revealed, when someone around me is upset I can remain a calm center revealing you and that when chaos and stress threaten to take over… your Peaceful Joy of life is seen by others. 

To live truly loving the life He has given. To be at Peace with the good, the bad, and the ugly. To rest in the knowledge that He is MY God and He knows where I am, who I am and what is in my heart. Is to me the ability to live out this verse...Today's the day! Let's do this thing!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Perfect, Plastic, or Forgiven…

Which are you? More specifically, I need to see; which am I?

Perfect people don’t need a Savior, they have themselves. Their own power, their own career, and even their faith, has been placed in the things of this world. What happens when the darkness comes into their lives? “Because in this world you will have trouble,” does this derail the perfect life? The sad, crazy, hypocritical truth is that some perfect people even sit in a pew week after week; you see they prayed once when they were 5…so they are good with God. Or they are just there to network, to get customers.  What a conundrum we humans enough to know when someone is lying but blind to our own lies. Made in Gods image but allowed to choose what god we serve. 

Plastic people realize their need for a Savior, but they put Jesus on like a mask. Sometimes just on Sunday and sometimes for everyday of their lives. He is a cloak that is thrown over the mess inside, the thought process is… that I can show people how saved I am…the problem is the majority of people see through the cloak more often than not. This can be a defense mechanism as well, I have been hurt therefore I will protect myself with this cloak of salvation, but no one gets in even Jesus. So, true healing cannot be accomplished. 

Forgiven people see more clearly the true picture of the Trinity; the perfection of the Creator, the sacrifice of the Son, and the Baptism of the Spirit. Even so…each and every one of us need a Savior every minute of every day; big ways, small ways it doesn’t matter they are the same in Gods eyes. When will we get that? Quit Judging, Quit Persecuting, we do have the right to our own opinions…BUT that doesn’t mean that our own opinions ARE RIGHT!!  Because you see we are all desperately in need of a Savior. Even those who are trying to follow Christ, to walk through this life as Christians to us Paul says:  All of us, then who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Philippians 3:15. To me that means if you are thinking of yourself as better, more right, or more Holy, than anyone else then you better think again… there is no hierarchy of sin. Sin is a choice; a decision to pick what I want over what God wants… because we are saved by Grace…not of our own works, the only thing you may have done right is choose Christ. However unless we are walking in Love we might want to double check that. Sorry, but the bible doesn’t promise a “Happily ever after” at least not until Heaven. That’s where our Hope should be; that’s what we are here for… to love others that they might see and want to know more about Jesus who is our ticket to an eternity of JOY. 

We are NOT here to set up rules, to set up mega churches, to judge people to death; we are here to love them to life.

Can we even see the difference? Because, guess what the world sure can!!

Can we, or rather can I show the world the me that is...NOT perfect but perfectly forgiven. 

To be transparent is a scary calling…

Monday, November 21, 2011

From Heaven to Earth

A song, by Rick Founds, that was a favorite of our middle school group and me =} because it has hand motions, came to mind during my walk a couple of days ago, with some corresponding thoughts. So, I am going to share them with you. Here are the words to the chorus:

You Came From Heaven to Earth, To Show The Way.
From The Cross to the Grave, My Debt to Pay.
From The Grave to The Sky, Lord I Lift Your Name on High.

You Came From Heaven to Earth, To Show The Way. Would you leave a place of NO pain, ONLY Joy, No needs, ONLY Glory, a place where relationships began and the only place they will continue for eternity; I would only do it if I was thrown out! Imagine going from 100D color to what might as well be black and white in comparison. Imagine going from the ability to create, to being a created being inside your mother’s womb. To go from endless possibility to limited probability…actually a short life with the gory, painful, outcome already known by you. What a choice, I know if I’m honest I couldn’t have made that choice, not on my own even as much as I want to love others.  Then the kicker is He came to show The Way…humans of course understood immediately and jump right on the band wagon, NOT!! So, here He is having given up Heaven (for a time) and trying to show the way, to these leaders who act like their stuff don’t stink...seriously!?!  Me, I’m thinking, Lightning Bolts! But, Christ is thinking “Father, Forgive them!” How angry, discouraged, disgusted did He have a right to be…But, He wasn’t He Loved. You see that’s The WAY he came to show us. Once we believe He is THE WAY, and that we aren’t perfect, all knowing, or better than anyone else…We just have HIM to follow in LOVE and Through LOVE.

From The Cross to the Grave, My Debt to Pay. To endure such pain, humiliation, disgrace; when you ARE GRACE? My finite mind just can’t take in the enormity of all He gave up and all He endured. Then, to be sealed in a tomb, I know He was dead…but still, makes me shudder. I do wonder what really happened during the time He was “sealed” in the tomb... I know some say He went down into hell to overcome…I’m pretty sure He had already overcome. I am not trying to start a debate, it’s definitely a mystery! I just wonder…He paid my debt, He paid your debt. Who does that?!?! The depth of that love! I am so thankful, but I am also shallow and petty. How in the world do I think that I have the right to decide what is forgiven and what is not? As Christians, still created beings, many people and churches pass judgment on other people or on themselves. His blood covers ALL, not as a license to sin but as a way to be loved by our Heavenly Father. Lord, help me to Love, not judge.

From The Grave to The Sky, Lord I Lift Your Name on High. Oh the Joy…to go back home! Can you even begin to imagine that Joy? The Trinity whole again, the pain endured, the separation over, the plan completed! The rejoicing…the party continues even nowJ. I can’t wait to experience the full measure of Joy and Peace; to laugh and dance, to be included more fully in the only relationship that is truly complete. FOR-EV-ER!!!

Lord, help me to see through the circumstances in my life, to the story you are writing; to be able to see your touch and to have faith even when I am unable to see. Allow me to use my inadequacies to point to your Holy power, and please use your Holy power to reveal the Holy Spirit to each person I come in contact with. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Swing-sets are important too!

My friend and brother in Christ, Pastor Wil, has just finished assembling a swing-set/fort for his kids. It reminds me of a conversation between 2 of my Grandkids that happened about a month ago.

We were driving home from Awana Cubbies on a Sunday night, it was dark and they were in their car-seats in the backseat. Ky (3 and a half year old) started a conversation with her brother Bug (his nickname and at a year older he is the wiser one!). This is how the conversation went:

"Bug, lets talk about my swing-set," Ky said with excitement! "Okay" Bug replied, with less excitement. Ky started rattling on about how the big truck was going to deliver her swing-set (just to clarify...their swing-set!) and then since she was talking to her brother I must admit I kind of zoned out of the conversation. But suddenly I hear, "bug, Bug, BUG!?" from Ky. "I'm listening, just TALK Ky," replied Bug. She was checking to make sure he was still paying attention! He better be this is important stuff she is talking about. ;)

It hit me, I am Ky, we are Ky, the three year old prattling on to God...stridently calling to make sure He is being attentive. While He, like Bug, the ever patient (for this instant) 4 year old, quietly listens. He was, is and always will be listening, whether we are talking or not, whether what we say is actually important or not. HE LOVES us so much that if it is important to us it is worth listening too.

Can you imagine? The Creator of the Universe, thinks I am worth listening too.

Can you believe? HE LOVES us so much that each of us are worth His time, His investment, even Christ's Life!

Can you rest in that fact? I propose that we try to do all three, even when we are calling out, "god, God, GOD!?"...because it doesn't "feel" like He is listening...we must remember our senses are dim, inadequate for Heaven.

God, my bear and I, part 3...The grand finale!!

Two mornings later, the morning before our last day, I was awake and writing, early…5:30 a.m., I was ready with a pen and paper as I knew I had to write 2 letters for my small group team mates and God loves to wake me up in the middle of the night to write things down for later. I had asked Him while hiking the afternoon before why He talks to me at these middle of the night or early morning times…”That’s the only time you listen” was the reply! My answer was “Ughhh, Seriously?!?!” How could I argue with that! ;( (quite possibly something to work on!). 

So, after writing notes for about an hour, I got up, got dressed and went downstairs. A few days before I had started a morning routine of walking through our meeting room and praying over each chair, for each glorious person who sat in those chairs, (Hmmm, did this act of service create the perfect timing for the next events) after this time, it’s out the door for my morning walk. As I walk down the back trail towards the main valley floor, this puts me looking out towards the sunrise at the mouth of our canyon from a decent elevation. I notice movement, a little farther out the valley entrance and a bit higher…there! I notice a bird, playing, floating, and SOARING on the air drafts there, an EAGLE! I hear a noise from movement in the brushes to my right; I tell whatever is rustling that it will have to take care of itself and if it wants to eat me it can… Because, I’m busy with my eagle!

Wait! There is more motion, a little lower and to the right… another Eagle! They are both lazily circling in the pink morning light. They are riding the air waves; I hear a call, then another, they are chatting!! They are a message for me, they are the possibility of a promise from God in my future!

They are resting on the air, allowing the air to do the work, content in where they are and who they are with. To rest like that, to play like that, to be at peace and content like that. Oh, to be an eagle! But, that would mean giving up my ability to love and reflect my Savior. That I cannot do. Even to soar like an eagle.

The overwhelming love that flooded my soul as I saw “My” eagles…took my breath away, filled my with His Joy and I knew without a doubt, that CHRIST IS ENOUGH! He is the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except though me. (John 14:6). He is my way to soar. The truth is He is my ticket to the Dance, I love to dance, I don’t want to miss the best, and everlasting, Dance. To Dance with the Trinity will be Joy beyond my imagination. I know it will make EVERY discomfort, discouragement, heartbreak, and human pity party worth it. It will also cause EVERY success, reward, achievement, even happiness, to be revealed for what it is the palest of shadows reflecting our True Home. Oh to be Truly Home, Heaven is where the deepest part of each of His beings, created in His image long to be. Because He is the life eternal.

Friday, November 11, 2011

God, my bear & I, part 2

Two evenings later (from part 1), Mike in my small group told me he had seen “my” eagle! I responded with enthusiasm for his wonderful siting…..NOT! I was jealous and a bit upset (read mad as a wet hen!). Well, at around 4 or 5 the next morning, I was woken up…convicted of my selfishness… I went back to Mike when I saw him after breakfast and apologized for my inability to be happy for him and told him I was glad he saw my eagle! I really was :)

So, during that mornings sunrise walk; I was looking up to the cliffs which were beautifully pink in the changing morning light. Searching for my eagle...yep contentment is my middle name ;(. I looked down, staring at the ground, with my hands in my pockets and my warm hood up (it was freezing that morning), and walked a bit farther. Then images of the pink cliff tops,the ground and the bear, flashed in my head, up, down, forward. In that flash, the truth was revealed: 

I heard, “when you search the cliff tops you are trying to see and figure out the future…you don’t need to, I’ve got that under control, My Plans are in place.”
Then I heard, “When you look at the ground you are trying to look into the past trying to figure out what went wrong or what you can fix, well I’ve got that too…you don’t need to fix that or figure it out, let it be.” 
“But, when you see the bear, that’s when you are in the present. That’s where I have called you to be! STAY THERE, enjoy it, rest in it, play in it, love with my love in it, and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal me through you. Can you do that for me? Will you do that for me?”

Can I? The jury’s still out.

Can You? Ditto!

Will I Try? You bet your bottom dollar!! (What a stupid phrase! But it gets my point across!).

Will You Try? I Double Dog Dare YOU!!!!

May you keep His Peace in your Heart and See His Joy in your Small Moments!